Soffit and fascia

Soffit & Fascia Installation

Prevent critters, mold, and heat from encroaching into your home through its vulnerable areas around the roof 

Get in touch with us today and let us help you improve your property – and it’s value!

Soffit & Fascia Installation

Prevent critters, mold, and heat from encroaching into your home through its vulnerable areas around the roof 

Get in touch with us today and let us help you improve your property – and it’s value!

Soffit and fascia


(407) 960-9489

Soffit & Fascia Installation

A home’s soffit is the exposed plank or slats located under the roof’s overhang as you look at it from the ground. Soffits can be made from a variety of materials, including wood, aluminum, or vinyl—giving a property a finishing touch that is both functional and aesthetically pleasing.

The fascia goes hand-in-hand with your property’s soffit, connecting the roof with a strip of siding, directly above the soffit. And just like the soffit, the fascia can be made of aluminum, wood or vinyl thanks to the resilience to humidity and durability these materials offer.

GutterWorks’ soffit and fascia can disguise the ventilation for your attic while adding a beautiful finishing touch that complements your property’s architectural design. However, if your home was built over 20 years ago, you should carefully inspect the soffit and fascia for any potential issues that can render its protection ineffective during the next rainy season.

Benefits to having GutterWorks install your soffit and fascia

With a properly installed soffit, a property can have better ventilation in the attic thanks to a pattern of small holes in its design, allowing the air to cycle to the vents. Drawing moisture and heat away from the attic is a great product for homeowners since moisture buildup in the attic can lead to WDO (wood destroying organisms) on its wooden trusses.

There are many more benefits to having GutterWorks install your soffit and fascia, including: 

    • Protecting your property against weather inclement—shielding wind and rain from penetrating your roofing system.
    • Adding a finishing aesthetic touch to your property with a clean-line appearance.
    • Eliminating the threat of structural damage, which can result in having to replace your roof.
    • Creating a physical barrier to keep moisture out of your structure.
    • Decreasing humidity leads to rotting and wood decay.

By design, the soffit and fascia offer a physical barrier in the exterior of your property—keeping out unwanted pests common in Central Florida, including:

  • Cockroaches
  • Bats
  • Birds
  • Bees and Wasps
  • Squirrels
  • Snakes

The size of your property, type of roof, and other external factors will affect the overall cost of the installation project. Get a free estimate today!